Dear Princeton,

You've made it through your design class at the Royal Academy and you're already a week into color! How exciting is that? Your life's work is starting to pay off.

Remember in 2007? Things were so great for you. You had your job at The House of Beauty, your family, your dreamy boyfriend. Everything was like a fairy tale. You partied and had all the clothes and expensive hair product and stuff that you wanted. Those days are going to be here again soon.

All the struggles you've had over the years are what got you into the Royal Academy. Now it's up to you. You have the financial aid, the family support. Just make your dreams happen.

Don't be discouraged. Remember how happy doing hair makes you. Remember how you can talk about fashion, makeup and product for hours on end. Remember your love and passion for everything artistic. Don't ever let anyone take that away from you.

You'll have so many doors open for you. Once you are licensed, between your creative prowess and your business acumen every employer under the sun will want a piece of you. Not to mention every man ;)

No but seriously, the whole romantic thing will work itself out. Not to sound stereotypical but there are a lot of fish in the sea and you are quite the catch.

Maybe we should set a few goals and see how you do? Alright. First off, pass your technical class. It's a big deal and you CAN do it! Secondly, write your novel about Petra. She's a cool character and you can totally write her out. Thirdly, have you found a decent job to have while you're in school? Fourth, read some books! You can't write if you don't read. FINALLY, save up some money. Put it in the bank, keep a clear account, build credit or something.

So here's to the next year. I love you!
